Kamil Bochenek, Dr

Research area:

Fabrication of metal matrix composites through powder metallurgy techniques based on nickel aluminide, chromium, silver and copper reinforced with ceramic particles, optimization of process parameters and particle sizes, microstructure characterization.

Participation in foreign and national projects such as KomCerMet (materials based on chromium with addition of aluminium oxide and rhenium for automotive application), GRAMCOM (materials based on copper or silver with addition of graphene), and many others (e.g. processing of nickel aluminide composites reinforced with aluminium oxide).

M. Sc. Thesis "Processing of transparent yttrium dioxide for aerospace appliation" in 2011 
(AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics, Kraków)

Ph. D. Thesis: "Influence of rhenium and aluminium oxide admixture on mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of NiAl-based materials obtained by powder metallurgy" in 2021 (IPPT PAN)

Off-scientific-job activities:

IT support team of KMM-VIN AISBL website

Administrator of PZMK homepage


telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 438
room: 145

Main publications:

  Article title Authors Journal
1. R. Sitek, K. Bochenek, P. Maj, M. Marczak, K. Żaba, M. Kopeć, G. Kaczmarczyk, J. Kamiński (2025) Applied Sciences, 15, 1341
2. P. Lisowski, D. Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, M. Osiał, K. Bochenek, P. Denis, M. A. Glinicki (2024) Cement and Concrete Composites, 154, 105781 
3. M. Michalska, J. Pavlovsky, E. Scholtzova, P. Skorna, V. Matejka, K. Bochenek, A. Jain, K. Chida, T. Yoshii, H. Nishihara (2024) Results in Engineering, 24, 103109
4. S. Shahrooz, B. Kupikowska-Stobba, A. Kosik-Kozioł, M. Bartolewska, A. Zakrzewska, D. Rybak, K. Bochenek, M. Osiał, F. Pierini (2024) Materials Today Chemistry
5. W. Węglewski, A. Sequeira, K. Bochenek, J. Rosc, R. Brunner, M.A. Basista (2024) Finite Elements in Analysis and Desig, 241, 104239
6. A. Sequeira, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, T. Hutsch, A. Jain, T. Weissgaerber, M.A. Basista (2024) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, pp. 1-18
7. K. Bochenek, S. Arneitz, Ch. Sommitsch, M. Basista (2024) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, pp. 1-10
8. P. Pietrzyk-Thel, A. Jain, K. Bochenek, M. Michalska, M. A. Basista, T. Szabo, P. Nagy, A. Wolska, M. Klepka (2024) Journal of Materiomics, pp. 1-41
Metastable β-Phase Ti–Nb Alloys Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy: Effect of Nb on Superelasticity and Deformation Behavior
D. Kalita, K. Mulewska, I. Jóźwik, A. Zaborowska, M. Gawęda, W. Chromiński, K. Bochenek, Ł. Rogal (2024)
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, pp. 1-17
Experimental Evaluation and Phase-Field Model of Fracture Behavior of Alumina-Aluminium Graded Composite
H. Darban, K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, M. Basista (2024)
Advanced Structured Materials pp. 147-166
11. S. R. Manipaddy, M. Michalska, M. Krajewski, K. Bochenek, M. Basista, A. Zaszczyńska, T. Czeppe, Ł. Rogal, A. Jain (2023) Materials Science and Engineering: B, 297, 116766
12. A. Jain, Y. Ziai, K. Bochenek, S. R. Manippady, F. Pierini, M. Michalska (2023) RSC Advances, 13, 1503-11512
13. P. Maj, K. Bochenek, R. Sitek, M. Koralnik, K. Jonak, M. Wieczorek, Z. Pakieła, J. Mizera  (2023) Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 23, 130
14. Novel paradigm in AFM probe fabrication: Broadened range of stiffness, materials, and tip shapes M. Milczarek, D. M. Jarząbek, P. Jenczyk, K. Bochenek, M. Filipiak (2023) Tribology International, 180, 108308
15. Laser-Assisted Growth of Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Films on Silicon Substrate in Open Air  M. Krajewski, Kaczmarek A., M. Tokarczyk, S. Lewińska, Włoczewski M., K. Bochenek, D. Jarząbek, T. Mościcki, J. Hoffman, A. Ślawska-Waniewska (2023) Physica Status Solidi (A), 2200786, 1-5
16. Experimental determination of the length scale parameter for the phase-field modeling of macroscale fracture in Cr-Al2O3 composites fabricated by powder metallurgy H. Darban, K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, M. Basista (2022) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53, 2300-2322
17. Microstructure, mechanical and wear properties of NiCr-Re-
Al2O3 coatings deposited by HVOF, atmospheric plasma
spraying, and laser cladding
K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, T. Chmielewski, M. Chmeielwski, M. Basista (2022) Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 31, 1609–1633
18. Evolution of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Co Wire-Like Nanochains Caused by Annealing Atmosphere  M. Krajewski, M. Tokarczyk, S. Lewińska, K. Brzózka, K. Bochenek, A. Ślawska-Waniewska (2021) Materials, 14(16), 4748
19. A comparative study of mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, residual stresses and wear resistance of aluminum-alumina composites obtained by squeeze casting and powder metallurgy J. Maj, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, Ł. Rogal, S. Woźniacka, M. Basista (2021) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52, 4727-4736
20. Impact of Thermal Oxidation on Morphological, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ni Wire-Like Nanochains  M. Krajewski, M. Tokarczyk, S. Lewińska, K. Bochenek, A. Ślawska-Waniewska (2021) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52,  3530-3540
21. Enhancement of fracture toughness of hot-pressed NiAl-Re material by aluminum oxide addition K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, J. Morgiel, M. Maj, M. Basista (2020) Materials Science & Engineering A, 720, 139670
22. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Deformation and Fracture Mode of Microcantilever Beams Made of Cr(Re)/Al2O3 Metal–Matrix Composite  W. Węglewski, P. Pitchai, K. Bochenek, G. Bolzon, R. Konetschnik, B. Sartory, R. Ebner, D. Kiener, M. Basista (2020) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51(5), 2377-2390
23. Anomalous size effect in thermal residual stresses in pressure sintered alumina-chromium composites  W. Węglewski, M. Krajewski, K. Bochenek, P. Denis J. Wysmołek, M. Basista (2019) Materials Science & Engineering A, 762, 138111
24. Optical measurements of thermal residual stresses in alumina reinforced with chromium M. Krajewski, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, J. Wysmołek, M. Basista (2019) Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 135104
25. Influence of rhenium addition on microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of NiAl obtained by powder metallurgy K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, J. Morgiel, M. Basista (2018) Materials Science & Engineering A, 735, 121-130
26. Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and residual stresses in interpenetrating aluminum-alumina composites fabricated by squeeze casting J. Maj, M. Basista, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Naplocha, T. Panzer, M. Tatarkova, F. Fiori (2018) Materials Science & Engineering A, 715, 154-162
27. Micro-CT Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Residual Stresses and Fracture in Metal-Ceramic Composites M. Basista, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, Z. Poniżnik, Z. Nowak (2017) Advanced Engineering Materials, 19(8), 1600725
28. Advances in processing of NiAl intermetallic alloys and composites for high temperature aerospace applications K. Bochenek, M. Basista (2015) Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 79, 136-46
29. Comparative assessment of Young’s modulus measurements of metal–ceramic composites using mechanical and non-destructive tests and micro-CT based computational modeling W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, M. Basista, Th. Schubert, U. Jehring, J. Litniewski, S. Mackiewicz (2013) Computational Materials Science, 77, 19-30

Filter pressing of fine yttria powders

Ł. Zych, K. Bochenek, A. Wajler, R. Lach (2012) Ceramics Material, 64 (2), 192-197