Research area:
- Experimental measurement and numerical modelling of thermal residual stress in metal-ceramic composites
- Microstructure imaging by computed micro-CT and generation of FE meshes using micro-CT scans
- Theoretical and numerical modelling of composites fracture with account of thermal residual stress
- Measurements of fracture parameters and other mechanical properties of metal-ceramic composites
- Processing of metal-matrix composites by powder metallurgy techniques (HP, SPS)
- Numerical and analytical modelling of sulfate corrosion of concrete-like materials
Other information
Research stays abroad:
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, Dresden, Germany, 2 months stay (2011)
Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, MCL, Leoben, Austria, 1 month (2013)
Ph.D Thesis: Modelling of damage in cementitious composites under sulphate attack
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 437
room: 146
e-mail: wweglew@ippt.pan.pl
Main publications:
Article title | Authors | Journal | |
1. | W. Węglewski, A. Sequeira, K. Bochenek, J. Rosc, R. Brunner, M.A. Basista (2024) | Finite Elements in Analysis and Desig, 241, 104239 | |
2. | A. Sequeira, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, T. Hutsch, A. Jain, T. Weissgaerber, M.A. Basista (2024) | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, pp. 1-18 | |
Experimental Evaluation and Phase-Field Model of Fracture Behavior of Alumina-Aluminium Graded Composite |
H. Darban, K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, M. Basista (2024)
Advanced Structured Materials pp. 147-166
4. | Thermal conductivity analysis of porous NiAl materials manufactured by spark plasma sintering: Experimental studies and modelling | S. Nosewicz, G. Jurczak, S.H. Ibrahim, A. Grabias, W. Węglewski, K. Kaszyca, J. Rojek, M. Chmielewski (2022) | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 12370 |
5. | Experimental determination of the length scale parameter for the phase-field modeling of macroscale fracture in Cr-Al2O3 composites fabricated by powder metallurgy | H. Darban, K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, M. Basista (2022) | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53, 2300-2322 |
6. | Microstructure, mechanical and wear properties of NiCr-Re- Al2O3 coatings deposited by HVOF, atmospheric plasma spraying, and laser cladding |
K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, T. Chmielewski, M. Chmeielwski, M. Basista (2022) | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (Available online) |
7. | Thermal conductivity of Cu-matrix composites reinforced with coated SiC particles: Numerical modeling and experimental verification | W. Węglewski, P. Pitchai, M. Chmeielwski, P. J. Guruprasad, M. Basista (2022) | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 188, 122633-1-18 |
8. | A comparative study of mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, residual stresses and wear resistance of aluminum-alumina composites obtained by squeeze casting and powder metallurgy | J. Maj, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, Ł. Rogal, S. Woźniacka, M. Basista (2021) | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52, 4727-4736 |
9. | Enhancement of fracture toughness of hot-pressed NiAl-Re material by aluminum oxide addition | K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, J. Morgiel, M. Maj, M. Basista (2020) | Materials Science & Engineering A, 720, 139670 |
10. | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Deformation and Fracture Mode of Microcantilever Beams Made of Cr(Re)/Al2O3 Metal–Matrix Composite | W. Węglewski, P. Pitchai, K. Bochenek, G. Bolzon, R. Konetschnik, B. Sartory, R. Ebner, D. Kiener, M. Basista (2020) | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51(5), 2377-2390 |
11. | Anomalous size effect in thermal residual stresses in pressure sintered alumina-chromium composites | W. Węglewski, M. Krajewski, K. Bochenek, P. Denis J. Wysmołek, M. Basista (2019) | Materials Science & Engineering A, 762, 138111 |
12. | Optical measurements of thermal residual stresses in alumina reinforced with chromium | M. Krajewski, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, J. Wysmołek, M. Basista (2019) | Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 135104 |
13. | Influence of rhenium addition on microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of NiAl obtained by powder metallurgy | K. Bochenek, W. Węglewski, J. Morgiel, M. Basista (2018) | Materials Science & Engineering A, 735, 121-130 |
14. | Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and residual stresses in interpenetrating aluminum-alumina composites fabricated by squeeze casting | J. Maj, M. Basista, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Naplocha, T. Panzer, M. Tatarkova, F. Fiori (2018) | Materials Science & Engineering A, 715, 154-162 |
15. | Processing Induced Flaws in Aluminum–Alumina Interpenetrating Phase Composites | M. Basista, J. Jakubowska, W. Węglewski (2017) | Advanced Engineering Materials, 19(1700484), 1-14 |
16. | Micro-CT Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Residual Stresses and Fracture in Metal-Ceramic Composites | M. Basista, W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, Z. Poniżnik, Z. Nowak (2017) | Advanced Engineering Materials, 19(8), 1600725 |
17. | Influence of material coating on the heat transfer in a layered Cu-SiC-Cu systems | A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, M. Teodorczyk, M. Basista, W. Węglewski, M. Chmielewski (2017) | Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 62,1311-1314 |
18. | The Influence of Al2O3 Powder Morphology on the Properties of Cu-Al2O3 Composites Designed for Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) | A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, W. Węglewski (2016) | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ISSN:1059-9495, pp. 1-12 |
19. | Rhenium doped chromium-alumina composites for high-temperature applications | M. Chmielewski, K. Pietrzak, M. Basista, W. Węglewski (2016) | Int. Journal of Refracotry Metals and Hard Materials, 54, pp.196-202 |
20. | A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, W. Węglewski (2015) | Science of sintering, 47, pp.249-258 | |
21. | Effect of grain size on thermal residual stresses and damage in sintered chromium–alumina composites: Measurement and modeling | W. Węglewski, M. Basista, A. Manescu, M. Chmielewski, K. Pietrzak, Th. Schubert (2014) | Composites Part B, 67, pp.119-124 |
22. | Kompozyty spiekane Cr-Al2O3 z dodatkiem renu: wytwarzanie, właściwości, modelowanie, zastosowania | M. Basista, K. Pietrzak, W. Węglewski, M. Chmielewski (2013) | Rudy i Metale Nieżelazne, R58, No.10, pp.556-563 |
23. | Comparison of experimental and modelling results of thermal properties in Cu-AlN composite materials | M. Chmielewski, W. Węglewski (2013) | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 61, Issue 2, pp.507–514, ISSN (Print) 0239-7528 |
24. | Comparative assessment of Young’s modulus measurements of metal-ceramic composites using mechanical and non-destructive tests and micro-CT based computational modeling | W. Węglewski, K. Bochenek, M. Basista, Th. Schubert, U. Jehring J. Litniewski, S. Mackiewicz (2013) | Computational Material Sciences, 77, pp.19-30 |
25. | Modeling of thermally induced damage in the processing of Cr-Al2O3 composites | W. Węglewski, M. Basista, M. Chmielewski, K. Pietrzak (2012) | Composites Part B, 43, 255-264 |
26. | Thermal residual stresses generated during processing of Cr/ Al2O3 composites and their influence on macroscopic elastic properties | W. Węglewski, M. Chmielewski, D. Kaliński, K. Pietrzak, M. Basista (2010) | Advances in Science and Technology, 65, pp. 27-32 |
27. | Chemically assisted Damage of Concrete: a model of expansion under external sulfate attack | M. Basista, W. Węglewski (2009) | International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 18, No. 2, pp. 155-175 |
28. | Micromechanical modelling of sulphate corrosion in concrete: Influence of ettringite forming reaction | M. Basista, W. Węglewski (2008) | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 35, pp. 29-52 |
29. | Modelling of Damage and Fracture in Ceramic Matrix Composites: An overview | M. Basista, W. Węglewski (2006) | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 44, pp. 455-484 |